General Health Advice

  • At Riccarton Clinic we offer a range of general practice services to help people make their own choices and find out more about their own health.

    Your GP is the doctor who knows you best. For this reason, general practice care is best suited for regularly scheduled appointments for preventative care, including wellness visits, routine screenings, immunisations, and tests. Your GP will help you to manage your ongoing (chronic) health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. They can also treat you for health problems that you experience between routine appointments, such as sore throat and ear infections. Your GP can also refer you to specialists and other health care professionals if you need them.

    There are now three ways to make an appointment. The traditional way, telephoning to talk to one of our reception staff, is still available but we can now offer online options. If you'd like to make or discuss your appointment with our reception team please phone 03 343 3661 or just call in.

    You can make appointments to see your doctor Monday to Friday 8am – 5.45pm. If your doctor is fully booked you can make an appointment with another doctor or if urgent, just come in to the walk-in clinic.

    Longer appointments are required for multiple problems, some procedures and medicals and if there is more than one person attending. Please ask the reception staff to advise you on the correct appointment for you. We can complete Driver and Diving medicals for you but should be booked specifically.

    Nurse appointments are available for certain procedures, nurse clinics and services including Diabetes, Smoking Cessation and Immunisations.

    Chaperone – All our patients have the right to have a chaperone present during examinations if they wish. You may wish to bring a support person with you or have a nurse chaperone. Please let your doctor or practice nurse as soon as the consultation begins.