Cervical Smears, Breast Screening, Pregnancy

  • How we can help

    Cervical screening is available to all our enrolled patients. The best protection against developing cervical cancer is immunisation and regular cervical smear tests.

    We encourage all women aged 20–69 years to have a cervical screening test every three years if the initial smear results are normal.

    What is a cervical smear test?

    A cervical smear test is a screening test that looks for abnormal changes in the cells of your cervix. Have regular smear tests, means there is a high chance that any abnormal pre-cancerous cells are found and treated long before they develop into cancer.

    Find out more about Having a cervical smear test. 

    Breast screening

    If you are concerned about any changes to your breasts, please come to see a doctor or nurse at one of our GP clinics. We can help you will a number of breast problems, like mastitis or pain, and refer you to a specialist if needed.

    We also encourage women to have regular breast screening tests, which are used to find breast cancer early so that treatment can start and increase the chance of a full recovery. One in nine women in New Zealand get breast cancer.

    BreastScreen Aotearoa is a national breast screening programme offering a free screening mammogram every two years for women who:

    • are aged 45‒69 years 
    • have no symptoms of breast cancer
    • have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months
    • are not pregnant or breastfeeding
    • are eligible for public health services in New Zealand.

    You can read all about the programme, risks and benefits and how to register on the Time to Screen website. Or phone BreastScreen Aotearoa on 0800 270 200.


    We can give advice and care at every stage of your pregnancy. This includes when you are trying to get pregnant, or if you are having difficulty getting pregnant.

    Every woman having a baby needs to nominate a health professional who will help them through their pregnancy. We do not offer lead maternity carer (LMC) services at Riccarton Clinic, however, we provide information about how to choose a LMC to every pregnant woman enrolled with us. You can discuss what is best for you with your nurse or GP , along with likely costs.

    Your LMC options are:

    • Independent midwife: You can choose to have your own midwife LMC, who provides care throughout your pregnancy and until your baby is about six weeks old.  
    • Hospital setting: If you wish to be taken care of in a hospital setting, you can see a hospital-based midwife LMC. Which hospital depends on where you live, talk to your nurse of doctor about this.
    • Specialist care: Talk with your nurse or doctor if you want more information about care from an obstetrician LMC.

    Remember, as well as having an LMC, you can pay to see one of our doctors or nurses for any maternity-related concerns.

    Didn’t plan on having a baby?

    We can also care for you if you are unhappy about being pregnant or the possibility that you might be pregnant. We can talk you through various options such as adoption, foster care or termination of pregnancy. 
    Further information for those considering termination.

    Our medical staff are experienced in providing a range of contraception choices, too. Some of them are free. Just come and talk to us about whatever is on your mind.
    Further information on contraception