Enrolling With Us

  • *Our enrolments will be closing on April 1st, 2025. Applications submitted prior to this date will be completed in due course. All patients can continue to access our Urgent Care services. *

    We are now welcoming new patient’s who live in the suburbs listed below to join our enrolment waitlist.

    Please note your enrolment may take up to 4 weeks to be finalised. You will receive a confirmation email once you are able to visit the clinic as a registered patient.


    Our waitlist is currently open for patients who live in the following suburbs:

    • Upper Riccarton                  Riccarton                         Sockburn                    
    • Avonhead                               Bryndwyr                         Burnside                     
    • Fendalton                               Hei Hei                              Addington                  
    • Broomfield                             Wigram                             Hoon Hay
    •  Aidanfield                              Hillmorton                      Spreydon
    • Merivale                                   Wigram                             Strowan
    • Russley                                     Yaldhurst                          Ilam 
    • Templeton                              West Melton                    Darfield
    • Rolleston


    Please read the following carefully before completing your application.

    If you were born outside of New Zealand and are not a New Zealand passport holder you must include the following to your online application:

    - Passport
    - Two year Work visa + date stamp of arrival into New Zealand   or   Resident visa

    If you were born in New Zealand please provide one of the following attachments to your application:

    - Passport  
    - NZ Drivers Licence
    - NZ Birth certificate 


    Transfer of medical records
    Please only select 'NOT APPLICABLE' if this is your very first time enrolling with a GP in New Zealand. If you can't remember the last clinic you were enrolled with, you can contact our team to find the information for you, prior to completing your application.

    *A legible signature must be included on your enrolment form.

    Link to enrolment application: https://alexapi.medtechglobal.com:8443/identicus?id=F2J097-H 

    If you have any queries, please email enrolments@riccartonclinic.co.nz